Wizardofoz.run SEO Analysis

Pagespeed Score
Desktop 69/100
Mobile 28/100
Optimization Stats
Field Data Result
Page Size 65 KB
Compression 15 KB (-76.7%)
Text/Html Ratio 647 / 66224 (bytes) = 0.98%
Load Time 1.82 second
Mobile Ready 0/100
In-Page Links 19
Doc Type HTML 5
Encoding UTF-8
Declared Language EN-US
Preferred Domain No
Robots.txt Yes
Url Rewrite No
Underscores in url No
Images Without ALT 0 / 2
Embedded Objects (Desktop) No
Embedded Objects (Mobile) Yes
Iframe Yes
Custom 404 page Yes
Email Privacy No
Gsafe browsing Yes
Analytics Yes
W3C Validity No
Keyword Consistency
Keywords Freq Title Desc <H>
event 4
find 3
results 2
services 2
about 1
race 1
powered 1
hours 1
estancia 1
professionals 1
calendar 1
scroll 1
resultsresults 1
update 1
list 1

June, 29 2020

With 1.82 seconds in page load, 65 KB of page size and all other reports below, the wizardofoz.run has a SEO score of 54 out of 100

Meta tags data
Title Race Day Professionals
Description Race Day Professionals is an event management company specializing in road running events in the South Florida (Miami, Fort Lauderdale and the Florida Keys) area. We use state-of-the-art RFID timing systems for your race (5K, 10K, Half Marathon, Marathon, etc...). We can offer full services ranging from logistics including course design and certification, barricades, sponsor tents and event registration systems; to SWAG such as awards, t-shirt, custom bibs and certificates; to event coordination and race day organization. If you are planning a timed event or untimed event of any length or type; 5k, 10k, 13.1 (half marathon), 26.2 (full marathon), ultra-marathon, mud-run, obstacle course challenge, etc…, reach out to Race Day Professionals and let us know what we can do to help. Our goal is to ensure a safe and fun experience for your participants, provide a quality service and to relieve as much stress from the event and race diretor as possible. We are Race Day Professionals and We Run This!
Keyword 10k, 5k race timing, RFID tag, event management, marathon, South florida 5k race, South florida race timing, race 5k, race timing, race timing company, race timing services, road race timing, Race Day Professionals, run, running
Domain Registration
Age N/a
Created N/a
Updated N/a
Expiry N/a
DNS Data
Host Type Ttl Other
http Headers
Error: No appropriate Whois server found for wizardofoz.run domain!
Server Location
Server IP Not Available
Server Location Not Available
Service Provider Not Available
Domain Availability
Domains (TLD) Status
wizardofoz.com Already Registered
wizardofoz.net Already Registered
wizardofoz.org Already Registered
wizardofoz.biz Already Registered
wizardofoz.io Already Registered
Typo Availability
Domains (TLD) Status
qizardofoz.run Query Failed
aizardofoz.run Query Failed
sizardofoz.run Query Failed
dizardofoz.run Query Failed
eizardofoz.run Query Failed
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